ESMA Extranet
Welcome to the ESMA extranet
The extranet is an internal working area reserved for ESMA and the National Competent Authorities.
If you already have an account, please click on Sign In and enter your login details.
If you work for an EEA competent authority or an ESMA Observer organisation and need to have access to the Extranet, please follow the steps below:
- If you already have an ESMA Identity and access management (IAMAN), you may login to the IAMAN application (https://iaman.esma.europa.eu ) and request access to the ESMA extranet application through the “Request Centre”
- If you do not have an ESMA Identity and access management (IAMAN), please send an email to IT.Helpdesk@esma.europa.eu to provide you access to the IAMAN application and then you may request access to the ESMA extranet application through the “Request Centre” of the IAMAN application.
As soon as the permission is provided you will be automatically notified by email and you will be able to enter the ESMA extranet.
For any questions, please contact IT.Helpdesk@esma.europa.eu
Data protection record - Selection of members for ESMA groups